We had a good day today – Lily came back! She is our great occupational and speech therapist, and we have missed her this last week. I have included a picture of Dan back at work with Lily. We learned some new Chinese words today – hang hou = good job, hou = good. This adds our vocabulary to about 5 or 6 words now -- shei shei = thank you, boo curt ze = you're welcome, ni hou = hello. We can also count to 10, but still need a little prompting from Lily. I learned turn right, turn left and go straight – this is helpful when coaching the taxi driver on where to turn. Getting back to the hospital is quite tricky as the only entry into the hospital is a little dirt alley way that is under construction. It does not look at all like an entrance to a hospital... so we have to coach the taxi drivers to – yes – take this road... it is really the right one! (I know I didn't spell the Chinese words right – sorry about that!)
After therapy, I went out with Marlene (new friend from Florida) to the Pearl Market. I should have taken the camera and took a picture! It is similar to an indoor swap meet where you can bargain for goods such as silk, purses, jewelry, shoes, etc. I really fear that Heather is going to have WAY too much fun at that place! I wanted to check it out because I was not sure what kind of environment it would be before I ventured out with Dan, but I found that it would have been easy to take him with-- so we will have to go again. The way I was swamped with street vendors the other day, I was a little nervous as it is hard enough to navigate a wheelchair through a crowd, but trying to get away from a bunch of vendors AND navigate through a crowd can be a little bit of a challenge.
After I got back, we went out to dinner with a group of patients and their families from the hospital. It was a Russian style restaurant that had items such as mashed potatoes, beef, pork, etc. It was really good food and we enjoyed visiting with the other families and getting to know them better.
Tomorrow – I head out back to Utah and Nathan & Heather arrive. I have checked their flight and they are currently 'In Flight' – we Dan will look to see them about 3:00 pm tomorrow. I leave China at noon – we didn't arrange our flights very good – I am a bit nervous, but we will say a prayer and I am sure all will go well.
We just got done listening to the first session of General Conference over the internet. It was great! It is only 2:00 am here now... but at least we got to hear it live. We will listen to the second session in the morning – I would like to be able to download it to my computer so I can listen on the airplane. We will see how it goes.

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