LaNae is writing a book titled "Smile Your Way Thru".
A Better Life For Dan
Dan Maughan was involved in an auto-pedestrian accident on January 20, 1986. He was hit by a car while servicing our own car on a snowy canyon road. He sustained a brain stem injury. This blog is his story of recovery. It is broken down into three categories:
1) The Accident (miracles do happen)
2) The Journey (living life to the fullest - even with a disability)
3) The Ascent (still looking for full recovery - after all these years)
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Our First Radio Interview! 😎
We had our first radio interview today! (at least LaNae did and she's the only one that can talk...) It was on the Ed Tyll Show on the Starcom Radio Network.
LaNae is writing a book titled "Smile Your Way Thru".
LaNae is writing a book titled "Smile Your Way Thru".
Monday, May 6, 2013
We've got two new grandbabies coming... ;-)
We've got two new grandbabies coming to the Maughan Clan! Heather & Johnny Lui are expecting a Baby Boy for Grace to play with and Jeff & Kallie are expecting their third Daughter. Jackson, their oldest, when he found out it was a girl, said "WHY!".
I think he's gotten over it... ;-)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Happy Valentines Friends!!!
It's been Way Too Long since our blog has been updated! So much has transpired that it'll be difficult to add everything that's happened. I just sent a postcard mailing out and tried to send to all who have sent us 'Christ'mas cards or who have touched our lives some way.
Happy Valentines from the Maughan's...
Here we all are! The two larger inset babes - Aubrey (Nathan & Heather's 4th) and Sophie (Jeff & Kallie's 3rd) are NEW and we'll have two MORE this year!!! (Heather & Johnny are expecting a baby boy and Jeff & Kallie don't know yet)
It's my (Dan's) fault this missed the Special 'Christ'mas season. We hope all of you were able to be together with your families during the holidays! Because of limited PostCard space, we are posting the extended version of this message on our blog at
As most of you know, LaNae & I are down in mostly Sunny San Diego while Nate & his family are living in our home in (snowy) Orem. We have been here since June 2012 and will remain here thru June 2013 while LaNae works at
We are grateful for our many blessings, for Life itself, for our wonderful children and family, our relationships with them and our friends. We are especially grateful for the wonderful knowledge that we can be together forever. We are so grateful for the life of our Savior, who without Him, this could not be possible.
We wish you the best and hope that the 'Christ'mas Spirit of Peace, Hope, Happiness and Service to those in Need will be yours this year.
With Much Love From the Dan & LaNae Maughan Family
Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry 'Christ'mas to all...

Seasons Greetings from the Maughan's...
It took some doing - but we finally got a picture of all of us together!!!
After 18 years working at Novell, LaNae has moved on to a new position with ACS (Xerox). She is still trying to decide what she wants to be when she grows up... Dan, on the other hand, is far more mature as he turned 104 this year (if you don't know, Dan always doubles his age on his birthday... he says that he FEELS that old because he can't walk and has to use a wheelchair). I think as we age, Dan will get better and before long it will be Dan pushing LaNae in her chair... what a thought! Dan is still working hard on improvement and never gives up. He is an inspiration to all who know him.
Nate has been working hard at his studies at the police academy. He finished tying 1st in his class - way to go Nate! He will finish up in June of next year and then we will see what the future brings... Heather J is working as an OR recovery nurse as well as being a great mom to Riley and Gentry. They are growing up so fast - and we are happy to have them with us and enjoy their company.
Another great event of the year was Heather's wedding to Johnny Lui. Johnny is a great guy and we love having him as a part of our family. Exciting news has it that they will be welcoming a new baby girl into their family next year. We are looking forward to having more cute grandchildren!
Jeff and Kallie did a great job and added our first grandson to the mix last February. Jackson is a cutie and we love every opportunity we get to squeeze his chunky little cheeks! He has been a really good baby and is fun to have come visit. We are enjoying watching him do his "army crawl" to get where he wants to go. Jeff is the head coach at Orem High in addition to his other entreprenureal efforts and Kallie is a stay-at-home mom now.
Angie is always on the go -- from working at the Lion House Pantry (yum!) to going to school and keeping up with all her friends, it is amazing we even get to see her! We are always glad when she cheers up our home with a visit... She will be coaching lacrosse again this year and so there isn't much of a break for her! She is our 'angel' and we think she is the greatest!
We are grateful at this time of year for our many blessings, for our wonderful children and family, our relationships with them and our friends. We are especially grateful for the wonderful knowledge that we can be together forever. We are so grateful for the life of our Savior, who without Him, this could not be possible.
We wish you the best at this 'Christ'mas season. May you find the peace that only He can bring and much happiness in the coming year.
With love,
From the Maughan's
[Dan & LaNae, Nathan & HeatherJ, Riley, Gentry, Johnny & Heather, Jeff & Kallie, Jackson, & Angie]
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Dan's Therapy Updates ... April 2009
Just wanted to add some of the latest therapy news for Dan...
Dan is working with a personal trainer at our local gym (Gold's Gym). The trainer's name is Dave de Hoyos and he has been a great help to Dan. Dan goes to the gym three days a week, and works out for about 4 hours. Dave provides him with guidance on what to work on, as well as nutritional advice.
Dan has been drinking some fresh vegetable drinks in addition to some fruit smoothies and protein drinks. The veggie drink consists of water, spinach, lettuce, beets, kale, parsley, sprouts, carrots - sweetened with a little acai berry juice, agava nectar, strawberries and blueberries (and flaxseed).
This is Dan arriving at Gold's Gym for a therapy workout...!

Dan with his trainer - Dave... Dan really likes Dave - he pushes him to do more all the time! We would love to get an update from Dave on his perspective of Dan's progress...

Dan doing some push up exercises...

Some pulling type exercises...

Focus Dan!

Another serious workout shot!

Now there's that smile we have come to know and love... go Dan!

Some new "shoes" -- they are called Five Fingers and they allow Dan to have better propioception (feeling where he is in space) and also with using his muscles to balance him better. Kind of a challenge to get on, but he is wearing them diligently!

Thanks Dave - we appreciate all you are doing for Dan...
Dan is working with a personal trainer at our local gym (Gold's Gym). The trainer's name is Dave de Hoyos and he has been a great help to Dan. Dan goes to the gym three days a week, and works out for about 4 hours. Dave provides him with guidance on what to work on, as well as nutritional advice.
Dan has been drinking some fresh vegetable drinks in addition to some fruit smoothies and protein drinks. The veggie drink consists of water, spinach, lettuce, beets, kale, parsley, sprouts, carrots - sweetened with a little acai berry juice, agava nectar, strawberries and blueberries (and flaxseed).
This is Dan arriving at Gold's Gym for a therapy workout...!
Dan with his trainer - Dave... Dan really likes Dave - he pushes him to do more all the time! We would love to get an update from Dave on his perspective of Dan's progress...
Dan doing some push up exercises...
Some pulling type exercises...
Focus Dan!
Another serious workout shot!
Now there's that smile we have come to know and love... go Dan!
Some new "shoes" -- they are called Five Fingers and they allow Dan to have better propioception (feeling where he is in space) and also with using his muscles to balance him better. Kind of a challenge to get on, but he is wearing them diligently!
Thanks Dave - we appreciate all you are doing for Dan...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
New Grandbaby!
Today was a great day for the Maughan family! The arrival of Jackson Jeffrey Maughan came early this afternoon at around 1:06 pm. (I got the EXACT time later... )
Jackson Jeffrey Maughan
8 lbs 2 oz
20 1/2 inches
Proud parents:
Jeffrey Scott & Kallie Marie Wilkins Maughan
Here are some fun photos of the little guy!

The handsome chap!

With the proud Mom and Dad!

Happy Grandparents....

Proud Aunt Angie and Papa Jeff!

Look how alert he is! He is such a cutie...

Grandma is loving her new grandbaby!

Another few precious moments with Daddy Jeff.

It is so fun to see your children grow up and become parents themselves. It is a great time for the entire family. We feel very blessed that all went well with the birth and that little Jackson is here to bless our lives.
Jackson Jeffrey Maughan
8 lbs 2 oz
20 1/2 inches
Proud parents:
Jeffrey Scott & Kallie Marie Wilkins Maughan
Here are some fun photos of the little guy!
The handsome chap!
With the proud Mom and Dad!
Happy Grandparents....
Proud Aunt Angie and Papa Jeff!
Look how alert he is! He is such a cutie...
Grandma is loving her new grandbaby!
Another few precious moments with Daddy Jeff.
It is so fun to see your children grow up and become parents themselves. It is a great time for the entire family. We feel very blessed that all went well with the birth and that little Jackson is here to bless our lives.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Some Miracles Take Time....
I am going to start blogging again! It has been a while since I posted and mostly it is because life has been super busy lately. Since Thanksgiving, we have done the following --
-LaNae got released from her Young Women's calling in her church. (miss the YW!!)
-Dan / LaNae helped Heather get into her own home
-Heather's house needed a LOT of work, so we have been in remodel mode with her and with Jeff / Kallie and their home. Lot's of painting and handyman work going on. It seemed to take every weekend and free moment, but things are looking up for both homes! :-)
-Christmas was wonderful!
-LaNae is super busy at work with a project that needs to go live in the next two weeks.
I am thinking the tone of this blog will change a bit - from Help Dan Heal to Life With Dan... we are doing great, and I want others to know that life with a disabled guy can be good. We are still working to help Dan have a better life, but that is not an event, it is a process. Like the title of the blog says.. some miracles take time.
Over the last few months, we have had several experiences that have reinforced this concept. On Christmas Eve (or thereabout) Dan and I met Angie at a car shop as she was having problems with her brakes. While waiting for the repairs to be completed, we shared the waiting room with a person that knew Dan from working with him over 10 years ago. We didn't make the connection right away, because she kept thinking - that looks like Dan, but it can't be - because he would be much older than this guy! (Dan is amazing in that he doesn't show his true age...) Also, Dan was pretty much wheelchair bound when she knew him and he had walked into the car shop, so this was another thing that made her think it wasn't the same guy. In a nutshell, she was amazed at the progress Dan had made over the last 10 years!!
Then we ran into some other friends that we knew from the WordPerfect Magazine days at the movie theater. The reaction was similar as Dan got out of his wheelchair and walked for them... they were amazed at the progress that he has made over the years.
Another highlight was when Dan was asked to give an opening prayer in our church congregation. As all who know Dan can attest that his speech has been hard to understand, when he gave the prayer, every word was understandable! We know that he has some extra Help that day...! I have had many people come up to me and say how much his speech has improved. I think it still fluctuates a bit, but I do think there are times when I have noticed this as well.
The point is... don't give up if things don't seem to be progressing!! The miracles we see can be realized over a period of time, and we know that we have been blessed, and CONTINUE to be blessed as time passes by. The Lord helps us carry our burdens through the dark times, and He also blesses us with continued progress, even if it is a little at a time. We are told that there is no progress after the first couple of years post-injury. I believe that is mostly because people give up hope and stop trying...
I am not saying it is not hard to keep believing in progress when it is so slow in coming... I am saying that giving up doesn't help anyone. Being bitter about what has happened to you in life only makes you a miserable person. I have found that as I give my pain to the Lord that He blesses me and helps me cope with the day to day challenges, and indeed find joy and peace in the journey. The journey may be a continual climb up a steep mountain slope, but there are stop points along the way where the scenery is breath taking and well worth the effort to get there.
Dan has made some progress over the last year - all the efforts that we have done to help him progress have not been in vain. ...and I believe there is more progress to come. We just need to keep moving forward and putting our trust in the Lord that the best things possible (and the best things for our good /growth) will happen to us. We don't know what the end story looks like, but God does. We trust that He knows best for us, and we are happy to travel the journey together.
There is still hope on the horizon for continued medical breakthroughs that will help Dan and others who suffer from brain / spinal cord injuries.
-- a side note --- (several years ago, our daughter, Heather was injured at a youth activity where she broke her jaw and mashed up her foot. The reaction that I had when the person came to inform us of Heather's injuries can only be understood by someone who has been closely associated to a loved one that has had a traumatic brain injury. They came to my door, and said "Heather has been involved in an accident, and you better come quick." They told me a little specifics of the accident and that Heather was on her way to the hospital. I asked "was she conscious?" They said, "Yes" - and after that I was fine. I knew that if there was no head injury that it was easy! Broken bones take about 6-8 weeks, but it is not life changing, so nothing to worry about! Just a really interesting way to assess an accident / injury situation...)
I read just the other day about research that is going on at the University of Utah and also a recent news article about stem cell research on KSL(local channel). There is still much to hope for... time will show us that in God's great plan, He is still watching over those who suffer, and will provide a means for their recovery soon. We must still have faith to believe and to hope that inspired researchers will find the way soon. Our test is to continue on with happiness for the things we are blessed with now, but look forward with bright optimism for what the future may hold in store for us. We are not alone in our journey, and that is the greatest insight of all...
May God bless you and yours in your daily struggles in life.
All the best from Dan and LaNae
-LaNae got released from her Young Women's calling in her church. (miss the YW!!)
-Dan / LaNae helped Heather get into her own home
-Heather's house needed a LOT of work, so we have been in remodel mode with her and with Jeff / Kallie and their home. Lot's of painting and handyman work going on. It seemed to take every weekend and free moment, but things are looking up for both homes! :-)
-Christmas was wonderful!
-LaNae is super busy at work with a project that needs to go live in the next two weeks.
I am thinking the tone of this blog will change a bit - from Help Dan Heal to Life With Dan... we are doing great, and I want others to know that life with a disabled guy can be good. We are still working to help Dan have a better life, but that is not an event, it is a process. Like the title of the blog says.. some miracles take time.
Over the last few months, we have had several experiences that have reinforced this concept. On Christmas Eve (or thereabout) Dan and I met Angie at a car shop as she was having problems with her brakes. While waiting for the repairs to be completed, we shared the waiting room with a person that knew Dan from working with him over 10 years ago. We didn't make the connection right away, because she kept thinking - that looks like Dan, but it can't be - because he would be much older than this guy! (Dan is amazing in that he doesn't show his true age...) Also, Dan was pretty much wheelchair bound when she knew him and he had walked into the car shop, so this was another thing that made her think it wasn't the same guy. In a nutshell, she was amazed at the progress Dan had made over the last 10 years!!
Then we ran into some other friends that we knew from the WordPerfect Magazine days at the movie theater. The reaction was similar as Dan got out of his wheelchair and walked for them... they were amazed at the progress that he has made over the years.
Another highlight was when Dan was asked to give an opening prayer in our church congregation. As all who know Dan can attest that his speech has been hard to understand, when he gave the prayer, every word was understandable! We know that he has some extra Help that day...! I have had many people come up to me and say how much his speech has improved. I think it still fluctuates a bit, but I do think there are times when I have noticed this as well.
The point is... don't give up if things don't seem to be progressing!! The miracles we see can be realized over a period of time, and we know that we have been blessed, and CONTINUE to be blessed as time passes by. The Lord helps us carry our burdens through the dark times, and He also blesses us with continued progress, even if it is a little at a time. We are told that there is no progress after the first couple of years post-injury. I believe that is mostly because people give up hope and stop trying...
I am not saying it is not hard to keep believing in progress when it is so slow in coming... I am saying that giving up doesn't help anyone. Being bitter about what has happened to you in life only makes you a miserable person. I have found that as I give my pain to the Lord that He blesses me and helps me cope with the day to day challenges, and indeed find joy and peace in the journey. The journey may be a continual climb up a steep mountain slope, but there are stop points along the way where the scenery is breath taking and well worth the effort to get there.
Dan has made some progress over the last year - all the efforts that we have done to help him progress have not been in vain. ...and I believe there is more progress to come. We just need to keep moving forward and putting our trust in the Lord that the best things possible (and the best things for our good /growth) will happen to us. We don't know what the end story looks like, but God does. We trust that He knows best for us, and we are happy to travel the journey together.
There is still hope on the horizon for continued medical breakthroughs that will help Dan and others who suffer from brain / spinal cord injuries.
-- a side note --- (several years ago, our daughter, Heather was injured at a youth activity where she broke her jaw and mashed up her foot. The reaction that I had when the person came to inform us of Heather's injuries can only be understood by someone who has been closely associated to a loved one that has had a traumatic brain injury. They came to my door, and said "Heather has been involved in an accident, and you better come quick." They told me a little specifics of the accident and that Heather was on her way to the hospital. I asked "was she conscious?" They said, "Yes" - and after that I was fine. I knew that if there was no head injury that it was easy! Broken bones take about 6-8 weeks, but it is not life changing, so nothing to worry about! Just a really interesting way to assess an accident / injury situation...)
I read just the other day about research that is going on at the University of Utah and also a recent news article about stem cell research on KSL(local channel). There is still much to hope for... time will show us that in God's great plan, He is still watching over those who suffer, and will provide a means for their recovery soon. We must still have faith to believe and to hope that inspired researchers will find the way soon. Our test is to continue on with happiness for the things we are blessed with now, but look forward with bright optimism for what the future may hold in store for us. We are not alone in our journey, and that is the greatest insight of all...
May God bless you and yours in your daily struggles in life.
All the best from Dan and LaNae
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