Heather has arrived safely, and as I understand has already spent most of her money on shoes at the Pearl Market (the first day in China!). I knew that would be a dangerous place to take her... ;-). Jeff and Kallie met her at the airport, and took her back to the hospital. Then they went out to the Pearl Market and out to dinner with the hospital group to a French restaurant. The hospital is really great because they do plan activities and get-togethers with the patients there. Another way to meet people and help each other out when you are so far away from home. It is great...
Today, Heather went to church with Dan and Jeff and Kallie headed back home on the airplane. I picked them up at about 6:30 pm Utah time and brought them home for a nice American meal. Nathan came over and brought the grandkids (Riley and Gentry). We had a good time, and it is nice to have them back safe and sound. I head out on Saturday and then will stay for the remaining duration of Dan's treatments (November 20th). Watch out when I get back there, Dan (... and you thought Lily was a slave driver!).
I went up to Idaho over the weekend to my home town of Soda Springs. I visited with my Mother, stayed over night, got up this morning, attended church, and then went to see Dan's Grandma Schenk, who is in the rest home there in Soda. She is a wonderful, kind woman – and I wanted to see her one more time before I left for China. I took her up a picture that is one of our favorites – of her giving Dan a hug the first year after his accident. On his shirt is says 'Another Miracle' – we think it is a pretty special picture, and we wanted her to have a copy of it to look at while Dan is in China, so we blew it up and framed it for her. Dan was born on Grandma Schenk's birthday and she is an extra special Grandma to him. Dan is working extra hard to improve – especially for Grandma Schenk! We hope to see her on Thanksgiving when we return from China.
I have uploaded a copy of this picture for you to see---

I'm still so inspired by this whole project that I just have to comment. I love the tribute to Dan and LaNae written a few days ago by a kind daughter-in-law. And I loved the funny China signs posted. They brought back so many memories of signs we saw while in China. Thanks for taking time to share thoughts, feelings and pictures.
I've been keeping up with what's been going on there since Kallie and Jeff left for China. I admire Dan for his hard work, and your family for pulling together. I'm happy that Kallie married into such a great, cohesive family.
You said you were from Soda Springs. I wonder if you know Zan Zickgraf. . . I wish I knew her maiden name! Zan isn't a common name, though. Her parents still farm there, and I think she's somewhere around your age.
Anyway, best of luck to Dan. He's working hard! His treatments sound fascinating. Like Kallie, I love hearing about the body's own ability to heal itsself.
(Kallie's aunt) Jennifer
Well, well - Dan and I both know a 'Zan' Harris from Soda Springs. Both my brother and Dan worked for her dad, McGee Harris on his cattle ranch. Hard work! We are also good friends with Wade, her older brother, who is our age. (Zan is younger that I, but thanks for the compliment!) Send her our blog! It would be great to hear from her!
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