This is the new Quadriciser machine that we received on Thursday! We are excited to have this as Dan is able to get one to two hours a day on it (so far -- just getting started!). It is like having several therapists working on all four limbs - stretching and creating patterns of movement. This is good for his circulation, especially in his right side which has not had a lot of consistent movement and use.

A little different angle...

Here I am feeding him a 'Pepper Popper' - a green chili pepper breaded and filled with cheese... he can eat and quadricise at the same time! Pretty cool!

A speech therapist also came on Thursday to do an evaluation and see if he really needed therapy... I asked him how it went (I was at work when she came) and if the therapist thought he needed speech therapy. He looked at me like I was asking a pretty stupid question! Those of you that know Dan understand that the speech is probably the worst part of his disability. The ability to communicate is such a blessing... we should always be grateful for our ability to communicate freely and easily!
We now have the following therapies available to us:
1) Regular physical therapy (focuses on improving limb strength)
2) Intensive physical therapy (focuses on walking)
3) Quadriciser (limb movement and repetitive motion)
4) Up-n-go walker (partial weight bearing practice for walking)
5) Therapy exercise list from China (speech and OT exercises - the PT exercises are covered in the other session)
I am going to work on a way of tracking how much therapy Dan gets daily and report it on this blog. It will be good to see (and to be held accountable) for what we do on a daily basis. Since Dan is not in a full care setting, it is so important that we motivate ourselves to supplement the treatment that he gets outside of the home. We will soon be adding the speech therapy and hopefully at the beginning of the year we can get him a Saeboflex - which should help him increase the functionality of his right arm.
I took some time tonight to catch up on some of our friend's blogs from around the world. I am always so impressed by others and their dedication to find a solution for their loved one. It helps to know that I am not alone and I gain much strength from watching others. I am very thankful for my new friends and for this community of caring and sharing. I went for so many years not engaging in this community and it wasn't until our China trip that we discovered this new world - we are all pioneers in a new world of recovery and it is an awesome thing to know that you are not alone. We so miss our new friends from China -- all of the staff and other patients. We think of you often and are so grateful for our good care while in China and for the new friendships that we started. Let's keep in touch and work together to help each other succeed (and help those we love succeed!) Tonight I am very thankful to know all of you...
Tomorrow is Sunday - I hope where ever you are, and how ever you worship - that is is a great Sabbath Day. I am always grateful for Sundays and the opportunity to go to church and reflect on the past weeks experiences. This is my little way to show God that I am grateful for what I have been blessed with, and in return, He fills my vessel for another week of living! I know there are many great challenges that we all face, but I also know that no matter what the challenge is, that God is with us and will help us get through it. He may not take all of the pain away, but He will help us carry our burdens so that they seem light. Indeed, my burden has been light all of these years because I have had help from Above... and I am most thankful for that.
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