Check out Dan and LaNae in front of the Salt Lake Temple (we were married there -- nice memories!)

Here is our granddaughter - Riley - isn't she a doll?!

A very nice Nativity Scene there...

After enjoying our adventure to Temple Square -- the Cheesecake Factory let us down -- after waiting over two and a half hours - they said it would be another 2 hours! I said "you are good... but not THAT good!". So off we went up to the University Marriott, where I WAS going to surprise Dan after dinner with - but we decided just to go there and have dinner at the hotel restaurant. It ended up being really nice... it was quiet and we had an entire section to ourselves and it made for a good time.
Everyone enjoying the dinner!

Riley getting her birthday card out for Grandpa Dan!

Riley showing off her good coloring job on the card... (good job - Riley!)

Dan showing off his new birthday hat and sweater!

All the girls love Dan!! Here is Heather and Angie giving Daddio a big kiss!

Dan and I had a relaxing stay at the Marriott and then spent Saturday doing a lot of shopping, and then up to Syracuse to Dan's sister Dorothy's house for a Christmas party. It was great! Dorothy had so much good food - and Dan - of course was in heaven... we got to see some of our extended family and had a great time there.
Sunday was our daughter-in-law's birthday (Heather J). We had a great get together at our house to celebrate her birthday. Now it is back to the work week - Dan to his therapy and me to Novell. Dan had a great day today - lots of therapy - speech therapy, then an hour of additional speech practice, then off to more therapy in the afternoon for 2 hours, and then a hour on the Quadraciser. We will give him 100% effort for the day - good job, Dan!
Happy Birthday Dan!!!!!!!!!
All I can say from the pictures of you is that you certainly does not show your 50 years of age... LOL...
You guys could have discounted at least 10 to 15 years... :)
It sounds like you had a fantastic time and... keep up the good therapies.
Cheers from London,
Koo, Chris, Gabriel
Happy belated birthday, Dan
We are still keeping track of all you are doing to get better. I am not sure I could do all that you are doing, let alone find the time. Maybe Aunt Della could stand some of the treatment too. She is getting much, much weaker. She really perks up when company comes, but other than that I can see her continuing her getting worse. She is still at home with me, and I rack my brain, such as it is, trying to find something she is able to eat without choking.
Just keep on going as you and LaNae are going and you are bound to see some great improvement. Just remember we are pulling and praying for you.
Aunt Della and Arlene
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