Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry 'Christ'mas to all...

Seasons Greetings from the Maughan's...

It took some doing - but we finally got a picture of all of us together!!!

After 18 years working at Novell, LaNae has moved on to a new position with ACS (Xerox). She is still trying to decide what she wants to be when she grows up... Dan, on the other hand, is far more mature as he turned 104 this year (if you don't know, Dan always doubles his age on his birthday... he says that he FEELS that old because he can't walk and has to use a wheelchair). I think as we age, Dan will get better and before long it will be Dan pushing LaNae in her chair... what a thought! Dan is still working hard on improvement and never gives up. He is an inspiration to all who know him.

Nate has been working hard at his studies at the police academy. He finished tying 1st in his class - way to go Nate! He will finish up in June of next year and then we will see what the future brings... Heather J is working as an OR recovery nurse as well as being a great mom to Riley and Gentry. They are growing up so fast - and we are happy to have them with us and enjoy their company.

Another great event of the year was Heather's wedding to Johnny Lui. Johnny is a great guy and we love having him as a part of our family. Exciting news has it that they will be welcoming a new baby girl into their family next year. We are looking forward to having more cute grandchildren!

Jeff and Kallie did a great job and added our first grandson to the mix last February. Jackson is a cutie and we love every opportunity we get to squeeze his chunky little cheeks! He has been a really good baby and is fun to have come visit. We are enjoying watching him do his "army crawl" to get where he wants to go. Jeff is the head coach at Orem High in addition to his other entreprenureal efforts and Kallie is a stay-at-home mom now.

Angie is always on the go -- from working at the Lion House Pantry (yum!) to going to school and keeping up with all her friends, it is amazing we even get to see her! We are always glad when she cheers up our home with a visit... She will be coaching lacrosse again this year and so there isn't much of a break for her! She is our 'angel' and we think she is the greatest!

We are grateful at this time of year for our many blessings, for our wonderful children and family, our relationships with them and our friends. We are especially grateful for the wonderful knowledge that we can be together forever. We are so grateful for the life of our Savior, who without Him, this could not be possible.

We wish you the best at this 'Christ'mas season. May you find the peace that only He can bring and much happiness in the coming year.

With love,
From the Maughan's
[Dan & LaNae, Nathan & HeatherJ, Riley, Gentry, Johnny & Heather, Jeff & Kallie, Jackson, & Angie]


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Seasons greetings! I am so thankful that you have shared this blog, makes me feel inspired for the season. Things in my life have happened so within the past months, but I am glad that this blog reminded me of the season. Thanks.

Franklin Law said...

What a beautiful family you have. It is nice to be able to put some faces on the names that I have heard so much about. Merry Christmas to all

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