We are so proud of our daughter Angela! She graduated from Seminary AND High School this last month. Seminary graduation was held on Sunday, May 18th and Angie sang with two other girls from our ward at the event. Seminary is a weekday program of religious study that is sponsored by our church... Angie attended for four years and the graduation is a recognition of successfully completing this course of study. We are very proud of her for this great accomplishment!
Angie also graduated from Orem High School on May 30th. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. Here are some pictures from the event for you to enjoy!
The big moment has arrived! Angie is on her way to get the diploma!
Angie did a dance as she came through the Orem "O" -- of course -- we thought she was the cutest one there!
A more serious moment... getting the diploma!
Angie sees her family through the crowd -- is she excited or what?!
Angie with her niece - Gentry!
Angie with her sister, Heather! (we don't know how we got such good looking children!!)
A pretty good shot of the family -- (I think Grandma Balls is checking out the great grandkids...)
Jeff and Dan wanted to play "dominoes" - they are trying to tip us all over!
The graduation line up--
We have NO IDEA what Jeff is doing in the background! ;-)
Angie with her cute nieces, Gentry and Riley (aren't they just adorable?!)
... apparently Dan and Jeff wanted to get in on some of the picture taking action!
Dorothy (Dan's sister) and Tony join us for the big celebration. Angie threw her cap up into the air and we caught it on camera! Dan, HeatherJ and Riley are in the background...
Angie with her sister Heather!
Angie getting a congratulation hug from one of her best friends... Sili Latu
... at least we think they are best friends! Angie will be rooming with Sili in the fall and living at Heather Cove (an apartment complex that Jeff and Kallie manage). She will be attending college at Utah Valley University here in Orem.
The beautiful graduate on her BIG day!!

Proud Mama and Grandma with Angie on her big day! (the three generation picture!)

Angie and her friend Melissa

Here we are at home enjoying the "graduation feast"!
Angie - we are so proud of YOU!!
1 comment:
Lanae and Dan,
You indeed have a beautiful family! I loved seeing the pics.
Congratulations Angie! Have fun in college!
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